Moving on further 

By now, you will have understood the differences in purpose of the article and the paper.  The CFA article was addressed to those in the kitchen and related domains while the paper was meant for specialists elsewhere. 

In the early stages of posting such items on the gastronomy website, emails came in askingfor more detail on various aspects and that has been provided.  Let them keep coming in.

Now what? 

How can this type of analysis be used?  Does "cuisine" as seen before lend itself to looking at "The Gastronomy of a Nation" as seen here?

Within the box on that page "National Cuisine", "cuisine" receives a provisional definition as follows:

… a specific set of cooking traditions and practices, often associated with a specific culture.
It is often named after the region or place where its underlining culture is present. A cuisine is
primarily influenced by the ingredients that are available locally or through trade.
laws can also exercise a strong influence on cuisine.”

The source    and other material can be explored later.


That is a far as time permits just now.